HAYA LABS Sports L-Leucine is a nutrition supplement with the amino acid L-Leucine, which stimulate muscle growth and gaining lean muscle mass by improving protein synthesis. Also, Leucine has a strong anti-catabolism effect.
Promotes protein synthesis
Increased insulin secretion
Stimulate muscle growth
Reduces catabolism
Strengthens bone health
Support the liver
Promotes healthy skin
HAYA LABS Sports L-Leucine contains the branch-chained amino acid L-Leucine, which can not be produced by the body and must intake it with food or supplements. L-Leucine stimulates protein synthesis by increasing insulin levels. That supports better muscle recovery and growth. Also, the amino acid protects the muscle tissue from damage and catabolism after an intense workout.
HAYA LABS Sports L-Leucine improves the health of the bone system and has a beneficial effect on liver and skin condition. L-Leucine in combination stimulate l-glutamine synthesis. Glutamine is the most common amino acid in muscle tissues and supports the production of Growth Hormone.
One dose: 5 gr (1 teaspoon)
Recommended use: Take 1-3 servings daily dissolved in water.
Pack size: 40